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The Times Real Estate


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  1. Minister Barr: New Year’s Eve celebrations in the Capital
  2. Minister Barr: Revitalisation of Canberra’s iconic Sydney and Melbourne Buildings
  3. Minister Barr: CBRIN’s new Scale Up Hub now open
  4. Minister Barr: Canberra’s tourism industry celebrates the best of the best
  5. Minister Barr: Designs revealed for better city streets in the City Centre and Dickson
  6. Minister Barr: Construction begins on the Williamsdale Battery Energy Storage System
  7. Minister Barr: From sports to sexual safety... inclusion award winners champion accessibility for all
  8. Minister Barr: A progressive and proven ACT Cabinet
  9. Minister Barr: Celebrating spring and the arts in the Capital at Floriade 2024
  10. Minister Barr: Final Parliamentary and Governing Agreement update highlights achievements
  11. Minister Barr: Supporting those who need it most on their pathway to electrification
  12. Minister Barr: Staged implementation for electronic monitoring
  13. Minister Barr: Progressive, practical achievements throughout the term
  14. Minister Barr: More for cost of living, healthcare and housing as 2024-25 Budget passes
  15. Minister Barr: It’s important to count our LGBTIQA+ community for equality and wellbeing
  16. Minister Barr: Welcome home celebration for Canberra’s Olympians and Paralympians
  17. Minister Barr: New neighbourhood park opens in North Watson
  18. Minister Barr: Register your vehicle and support road safety
  19. Minister Barr: Canberra business creating buzz named ACT Exporter of the Year
  20. Minister Barr: Transport Infrastructure Plan Update
  21. Minister Barr: Dr Bjorn Sturmberg named ACT Scientist of the Year
  22. Minister Barr: Nominate an inclusion champion now!
  23. Minister Barr: Releasing more land to support community diversity
  24. Minister Barr: Canberra Hospital expansion opens this month
  25. Minister Barr: ACT Government response to the Disability Royal Commission Final Report
  26. Minister Barr: Contracts exchanged on Turner build-to-rent project
  27. Minister Barr: Funding to support Canberra’s tourism and hospitality businesses
  28. Minister Barr: Sustainable Household Scheme saving Canberrans millions
  29. Minister Barr: Future proofing the ACT’s energy supply with the Big Canberra Battery
  30. Minister Barr: Construction starts on Canberra’s Garden City Cycleway
  31. Minister Barr: Construction industry partner sought for theatre project
  32. Minister Barr: New Inner South Health Centre confirmed for Griffith
  33. Minister Barr: Cost-of-living relief for Canberrans
  34. Minister Barr: 2024-25 ACT Budget prioritises healthcare, housing and cost of living
  35. Minister Barr: Expanding health services for children and young people
  36. Minister Barr: Delivering more affordable and public housing
  37. Minister Barr: Significant stamp duty cuts in 2024/25 Budget
  38. Minister Barr: Strengthening Tourism, Trade and Business
  39. Minister Barr: Strong Foundations for literacy and numeracy education across ACT public schools
  40. Minister Barr: Land release to enable more than 21,000 new homes for Canberrans
  41. Minister Barr: Electrifying Canberra
  42. Minister Barr: CanTEST drug checking service extended
  43. Minister Barr: City Services Budget boost includes new recycling facility for Canberra
  44. Minister Barr: Additional staff and theatre capacity to deliver more surgeries
  45. Minister Barr: Further progression on Exhibition Park renewal in ACT Budget
  46. Minister Barr: Focus on community mental health services in ACT Budget
  47. Minister Barr: Canberra Convention and Entertainment Centre precinct update
  48. Minister Barr: Bruce Sports, Health, and Education Precinct Update
  49. Minister Barr: Canberra Theatre Centre project update
  50. Minister Barr: Works to start on Athllon Drive upgrades

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